Public Policy

MAC is a membership coalition of more than 90 crime victim service organizations in Minnesota. As a statewide coalition, MAC both represents the interests of its members and serves as a voice for those members in the areas of policy and systems change.

MAC supports policies, programs, and laws that align with our vision for a safe and equitable Minnesota. This includes legislation that supports member programs to carry out their missions and policies that help victim/survivors.

2024 Legislative Agenda

Proactive Agenda

Increase state investment in crime victim services! HF3398/SF3447

In collaboration, Minnesota’s crime victim coalitions call for the state to fund a $20 million increase for crime victim services, in 2025.

Supportive Agenda

Amend Crime Victims Reimbursement Program: HF3485 This disqualifies “gifts and donations” to a victim/survivor from being counted against reimbursement and restitution determinations.

Zip Code Notifications: Provides the DOC the authority to provide information to crime victims on the city and zip code of a person’s residency after release from prison. The DOC currently has this authority for Qualified Domestic Violence Related Offense (QDVRO) cases and this update would allow victims of other severe harm cases (homicide, sexual assault, etc.) to know the vicinity of where the person is living for safety planning purposes.

Victim Input and Notification Required in End of Confinement Review Process: HF 3599/SF4093, This proposal would require victim notice and input in the End of Confinement Review Committee (ECRC) process. Currently, the ECRC must assesses and assign a risk level to those who are incarcerated and must register for committing a predatory offense. Although a victim services professional is required in these committees, victims themselves are not notified when the committee convenes and do not have the opportunity to provide input.

Protection of Victim Input in Parole Process: The language amends the new Supervised Release Board statute in M.S. 244.05 to provide protections of victim input and data during the parole decision making process. Currently, the statute does not accommodate for open meeting/ privacy concerns of victims. This language will be offered in an amendment to the DOC’s Policy Omnibus Bill. The language provides victims the option to choose to keep their input private or allow it to be public.

DV Advocate Privilege: HF3509/SF3441, Creates parallel statutory privilege that currently exists for sexual assault advocates.

Sexual Assault Exam Payment Program: HF4019/SF3999 Victim Data classified as Private Data

Relevant 2024 Legislative Session Recordings

Bobbi Holtberg, MAC’s Executive Director testifying before the House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee on 2/15/24

Public Safety Finance and Policy:

Tuesday 2/13/24 (HF3489):

Thursday 2/15/24 (HF3398, 3509, 3554):

Thursday 2/22/24 (HF3369, 3489):

House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law:

Thursday 2/22/24 (HF3509):

Judiciary and Public Safety:

Wednesday 2/14/24 (SF3447, 3441):

Wednesday 2/21/24 (SF3534):

Letters of Support

Coalition letter of support for BCA expansion projects

Coalition letter of support for Crime Victim Services funding

Updated on 3/11/24