Make sure you are registered to vote for the 2022 elections.

Help others—your family, your friends, your neighbors, your clients—so they can vote!

Information here is adapted from the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office. Please double check any information found here on the Secretary of State’s website.

The Minnesota Alliance on Crime is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3).



Voting Information in Multiple Languages

Who Can Vote in Minnesota? You must be:

You can vote while under guardianship unless a judge specifically has revoked your right to vote. You cannot vote if a court has ruled that you are legally incompetent.


Registering to Vote

Register online

It’s quick and easy! You will need your Minnesota driver’s license or Minnesota identification card number, or the last four numbers of your Social Security number. We encourage you to register before Election Day—it will save you time at the polling place. Registration temporarily closes 20 days before the election (October 18, 2022) and opens again on Election Day for voters who register at their polling place.

Register on paper

Download and print forms in English and other languages. Use these forms to register yourself or to register others in a voter registration drive. We encourage you to register before Election Day—it will save you time at the polling place. Registration temporarily closes 20 days before the election (October 18, 2022) and opens again on Election Day for voters who register at their polling place.

Register on Election Day

You can register or update your registration when you vote whether that is at your polling place on Election Day or at an early voting location. You will need proof of residence to register. Learn more about registering when you vote.

Check my registration
You can see if you are registered at your current address.


Vote in Person on Election Day

Where do I vote in person?

Enter your address into the State of Minnesota Polling Place Finder to find out important voting information for your precinct, including:

  • Your Polling Place (where you vote, map & directions)
  • Districts for your precinct (including maps)
  • “Candidates on My Ballot” (candidates and questions on the ballot at your next election, when available)

When is Election Day? What are the in-person voting hours?

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

Polls will be open from 7 a.m.* – 8 p.m.

*In state and federal elections, towns with less than 500 registered voters are not required to open until 10 a.m. but most choose to open at 7 a.m.

While not mandatory, we encourage everyone to wear a mask if voting in person!

Tips for New In-Person Voters

Voter’s Rights

Click here for poster on voter’s rights from the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office.

Get Out the Vote!

Adapted from Nonprofit VOTE.

What nonprofits can do

  • It’s not too late to help get out the vote!
  • The IRS allows nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations to engage in get out the vote activities.
  • Your get out the vote activities must be nonpartisan at all times.
  • Your campaign can focus on issues but not candidates.
  • Always check with your supervisor before doing get out the vote work on behalf of your organization, especially government workers.


The best place to start if you have questions is the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office


Voting Guide 2022